Monday, March 17, 2008
Hello all!!! It has been a while! My how the time flies by. I hope I haven't left many of you lucky readers dying for a new blog. No worries though because here I am!!! So... I just got back from spring break and boy was it a hoot. I'm talking about sunny weather, good tans, good friends and all the junk food you can eat! Whoo Baby! So I will start from the beginning and work my way to the end since that is usually how they do it these days. So on Friday March 7th, me and thirteen of my awesome friends drove down to St. George, Utah, for the weekend. There the weather was already thirty degrees warmer than Logan. During the duration of the weekend we mainly just hung out, checked out a few little hot spots and were merry. Sunday arrives and we pack up the three cars for California. The drive was pretty fun and I got to see a girl on the side of the road throwing up everything she had ever eaten in her life. It was cool. By the way, I took down my car so I did most of the driving. I'm not complaining however for Ryan James likes to drive and talk in the third person.
So Sunday evening we arrive in La Mirada, California and check into our hotel. There we have three rooms split between fourteen people, so everyone pretty much had a good place to sleep. We settled in and got our spirits up for Disneyland the next day. So Monday we wake up bright and early and take a shuttle bus from our hotel to Disneyland. Now we tried something new this year and bought our tickets off Ebay. The sellers basically buy a week long pass and rent them out for half the price of general admission. All of us thought this was a little sketchy but it turned out all right. The coolest part about it though was we had to meet our person in the Mcdonalds parking lot across the street from Disneyland. That was probably the closest feeling of buying illegal drugs I'll ever get. But like I said the tickets worked just fine!!! So There we spent a good thirteen hours in California Adventure and Disneyland!!! Whoo! I love Disneyland!!! Sorry mom, no souvenirs this year... I'm cheap.So Tuesday arrives and we are all pretty exhausted from our magical adventure the day before. We planned on sleeping in a little and heading to Huntington Beach for some relaxation. There we played sand volleyball and jumped into a not so warm ocean. Still it was pretty fun. We spent the majority of the day there and walked around the shops at night. Just a typical California day.
Wednesday we traveled up a few miles north to the city of angels, where we stopped at a neat little outside mall called "The Grove." It's got a nice little feel to it and it wasn't crowded with people. There we ate at a Cheesecake Factory... Delicious! I'm telling you that they have the best strawberry lemonade in the world. After we stuffed ourselves we headed to Hollywood Boulevard to check out the Chinese theater and sidewalk of stars. After a while looking around we went across the street to wait in line for the Jimmy Kimmel show. For those of you who are out of the loop, Jimmy Kimmel is a late night talk show host. He's pretty funny and is growing increasingly popular. It was really cool to be an audience member and to see how a show like that is run. His guests were Adam Carolla and Sheryl Crow. Adam Carolla is going to be on this seasons Dancing With the Stars and everyone else should know who Sheryl Crow is. If not... she is a singer. Nough Said. Sheryl then had an outside mini concert after the show which was pretty cool to see. After Jimmy Kimmel we headed two hours south to San Diego and checked into a retro looking hotel. Everyone was pretty tired so we weren't up too late before it was lights out.
Thursday morning we checked out and headed to the San Diego temple. It was truly awesome and had an amazingly peaceful atmosphere. I felt really relaxed and really wanted to just take a nap on the grounds but I don't think they would have liked that. After we left everyone kind of did their own thing. A group of us went to old town San Diego and ate lunch at a cool little outside taco place. It was delish! Then we just walked around and checked out the town.
We met up with everybody that evening at mission beach. There we rode a roller coaster, played a few carnival games and hung out on the beach. We stayed and watched the sun set which was beautiful and most of us hung around to eat and tell funny stories. It was a good way to spend our last night in California.Thursday night we drove back up to our hotel in La Mirada and crashed. Friday we left California and headed to Las Vegas to put our money down. In Vegas we met up with a few members of our group and just walked around and checked out some of the sites. Everyone decided to head back to St. George to call it a night but a few of us had other things in mind. After we ate, me and my friend Matt and his girlfriend went to a bodies exhibit. Basically they have preserved bodies dissected in different ways on display. It wasn't gross at all and was really cool to see. I would recommend anyone to see this. Meanwhile... while we are being educated, Erin and Jessica decide to take a walk on the wild side and go see a little attraction called Thunder from Down Under. Now this is pretty much a male strip show. They don't get naked but they show off their juiced up bodies for female entertainment. Now even though Erin and Jess went just because they thought it would be funny... I however found myself getting a little perturbed at the idea of Aussie men shaking what their momma's gave em in front of their innocent eyes. However... I bit my lip and dealt with it, but I keep hearing stories of what happened that I'd rather not hear.
The trip was really fun and everyone had a blast. Luckily there were no problems and for a group of fourteen people everything went smoothly. I got to see some exciting stuff and was able to grow closer to some of my amazing friends. I also learned something I wish I hadn't... girls fart. This is news to me. I thought this whole time girls didn't poop or fart, it just dissolved and was turned into fairy dust. However... at least three girls passed gas on this trip and my universe as we know it is crashing down. I feel I'm in for a rude awakening...