Monday, August 3, 2009

A South Pacific Nomad...

Bula!  Bonjour!  G'day! How are ya? 

I'm back!  What an AMAZING summer its been.  There is just way too much to write about and I'm really trying to avoid Carpel Tunnel.  

Let me put it this way, I just went to Tahiti, Fiji & New Zealand... and got paid for it!  Not only did I get a decent pay check, but I embarked on a trip where I became a member of a village and got to delve into their culture, I swam with sharks and kissed a beautiful sea turtle and I surfed with Palo, the Tahitian champion for the past three years.

Thats really just the tip of the iceberg.  I sailed around New Zealand and Fiji, high-fived a dolphin, ate fruit, met Tane Mahuta ( a 2000 year old Kauri tree in New Zealand ), scuba dived, hiked Moorea Island, swam with sting rays, ate fruit, got Giardia, partook of a Kava ceremony, fought off sharks, missed Michael Jacksons funeral, chilled with Wilson on Cast Away island, ate more fruit, opened a coconut with my bare hands and a rock, lost my phone, lost my sunglasses, gained weight, lost weight, gained it back, got buried in sand by twelve fijian kids, saw a nude beach, said hi to people on nude beach, played rugby and got sunburned.  Did I mention I got paid for all this?

All of this while dragging along ten kids!  Not too bad.  Thanks WV!


  1. matt & cait said...
    i hate you.

    love, Matt
    Yornic said...
    You did not drag us along.

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