Sunday, July 27, 2008
So a few weekends ago one of my best friends FINALLY got married! Congrats Jared! I haven't seen him that happy since our days working at camp. It was hard to let him go... but his lovely wife Shannon is much prettier than I am, so I understand. The reception was at The Cellar in Idaho Falls and it was nothing short of a party. I was probably the only one not drinking but I was able to enjoy a nice bottle of San Palengrino sparkling water. Yum! At the reception I was able to visit with some old friends and reminisce about the good ol days. One of the highlights was when a few of us guys sang a ballad for Jared and Shannon. We did a guitar version of Outkasts Hey Ya, and it turned out so cool! It was fun singing it for him and luckily Casper took video of it. I'll post the link at the bottom, so be sure to click on it. Jared is just the first of many close friends who are getting married soon and I feel like I'm becoming that girl from 27 Dresses who ends up being a bridesmaid for all her friends. Only I'm a groomsman... not a bridesmaid. That would be just silly.
Jared, Lisa and I at camp over 5 YEARS ago!!!
Jared and the "Crew." Jared is bottom right.
Here is the youtube link for the video of us singing to Jared and Shannon. I think we could be BIG!!!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Hello! Hello! Hello to you all! So again... it's been a while since I have given you all the "update" in the Life of Ryan. To be honest ya'll... not much has happened. Yep. Or... nope. Either or. I have been working A LOT and hanging out at the pool with my homies here in Logan. I've been making some pretty good money though... so if anyone needs a loan, or wants to me to be there sugar daddy, let me know. The APR is only 129%, so your good. A few highlights have been my two trips to my homeland of Idaho Falls. A few weeks ago I came up for the 4th of July. It was neat. Granted I could only come up for about 20 hours before I had to be back the next day for work, but I got to go to a baseball game with the family and enjoyed the fireworks with Matt, Caitlyn and his family. The fireworks never disappoint. So I came back to Logan for a few more days and let me tell you what happened then. Remember a few months back when Ryan James got... um... arrested? Yeah... so I got pulled over because my brake light was broken and the kind ol' officer gave me a nice little reminder to get it fixed. Which I have gotten fixed about three times, I think there is a fuse problem or grounded out wire. ANYWAY! He just wanted to check out everything and asked to see my license, and I gladly gave it to him because I KNEW my record was clear... right? WRONG!!! He comes back and says" Hey Ryan... looks like you were arrested on a warrant back in February, and that warrant is still active." My face went pale white, and my jaw dropped to the ground. Here is how I retaliated, "Um first off... no, no, no, no.... no." I explained I went through the whole court thing and had EVERYTHING taken care of. Long story short, he said because I was already arrested there would be no arresting me that night. Which I was kind of excited to go back to jail, because I knew I could get the awesome bail bonds T-shirt. Sorry Erin... I know how much you wanted me to get that. :) So I called the city office the next day, and cleared it all up. I guess someone forgot to hit the delete button on that little situation.So a few days later I went back to the homeland and saw my good friend sing at a local concert. Then the next day I went to the YMCA camp I use to work at with my friends Paul and Samantha. It was so great to see those kids, and my how they grow up. I feel so bad though because they remember me and I "recognize" them. I remember a few of their names but for the most part... I'm completely lost. That day we played mud-volleyball, went swimming at the lake, ate spaghetti off the tables, had the Friday night dance ( my costume was a mixture of jack sparrow and peter pan... it was scary), and we finished with skits and songs. The kids demanded I do my famous Tarzan song and I was more than happy to do so. It became the best Tarzan ever and lucky for you I have footage. Mind you its a little dark but still cool.
The day after that I attended one of my best friends wedding which I will talk about in my next blog. Also look forward to a few more blogs after that because I feel I have a lot to write about... Yay for you all! Some excitement in your lives!
PS. Thank you Nani and Mom for your kind words in my last post. I love you both. :)
Here is the famous TARZAN!!! ( click on the highlighted link below )