Sunday, February 17, 2008

Since everyone who still reads my blogs must been somewhat interested in what I do with my spare time here is a short blog about my past week. Excited?! Good! Because I'm excited to share!!! Here we go. First off, I have resorted back to selling my body. Yes donating plasma. Yes I know family, you absolutely hate it when I donate but it's thirty bucks each time you go!!! C'mon! Thats a deal. I'm in college still, so I do what I can kapeesh?! Besides, I'm saving lives. That accounts for something right? That's what I thought.

Also, It fell like I had a surprise birthday party this week. But wait... my birthday isn't until April. I'll explain for those of you out of the loop. My friends were in on a little "secret" this week that was kept from me until Wednesday night and it totally blew me out of the water. I'm sure most of my friends and family know what the secret was by now and if you don't know... well you'll just have to call me or something because I'll get carpletunnel trying to explain it on here. The whole situation was pretty gosh darn funny to say the least.

I saw two movies this past weekend. First was Jumper. BORING!!! I wouldn't recommend this
movie to my worst enemy because It was absolutely ridiculous. Enough said. Second was Definitely, Maybe. This was a pretty good heart felt movie. Although not amazing, I thought it was good. Ryan Reynolds, who is one of my favorite actors, was in this movie so I probably would have thought the movie sucked if he wasn't in it.

Do you think I'm weird? This is a question for everyone. I mean, I know I have my moments and I can be a little crazy at times, but I think I can be serious we I need to be. I wont care at all if everyone thinks I AM weird, because I am pretty content with who I am as a person. I just wanted to know if everyone has put me in the weird people category. Apparently people who I think is weird ( in a good way... cough) isn't as weird as me. I don't understand this... but oh well.

Well... It's Sunday and I'm bored and I just realized I don't have a lot to talk about but there ya go. Hopefully everyone else has had a good weekend. Also, I found out that certain members of my family have let other members of our clan know about my blog. For this I am sorry. You may say you love to read them, but just because your family don't feel obligated to read these. I don't want to put that pressure on your poor hearts. I will however say to my auntie Laurel who lives in Maui, if you need a house sitter, please think of your favorite nephew. That is all.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

It has come to my attention that Idaho falls no longer feels like my "home" anymore. I guess that's okay since Logan has been my place of residence for two years now. So now when I make a trip up to Idaho Falls, it's like I'm going on the coolest vacation/road trip EVER!!! My most recent trip to the great gem state was nothing short of awesome! First I wake up early Tuesday morning and grab my friend Jeff ( hey Jeff) to bring him along to keep me company. On the way out of town, I notice that I have stopped at at least four different places and have waisted over an hour doing so. So far so good. Finally we hit the road and make our way to Preston, ID (only about twenty five miles out) when we realize we need to stop once more at a gas station before our trip can fully begin. I guess we needed an odd number of places to stop at before the gods would allow us safe passage. So the sky was clear, the roads were good and we were off!!! About an hour into the trip I hit I-15 northbound and look to the side of the road. What do my eyes catch but a cow squatting herself silly pushing out a newborn calf!!! This is huge people!!! You only see stuff this good on Animal Planet. So I flipped a U-ey and broke many traffic laws to catch a glimpse of this amazing miracle. By the time we got back to the scene, the cow had just plopped the thing out and was licking the goo and yummy delicious placenta off. It was still the coolest thing I had seen. I almost cried and felt strangely like I had just become a daddy. But that would just be weird right?!

So we got into Idaho Falls and I grabbed some things from my room to take back to Logan. Mainly my snowboard and snow gear. Then my dearest grandmother Nani, or "Delyla" as the normal world would call her, came in to greet me with warm hugs and kisses. She is great. She then showed off her furniture and nit picked the extremely minor flaws in the sectional couch. I didn't notice anything but whatever. It looked good and was comfortable so thats all that matters to me. We decided to treat ourselves to Applebees where we ate and were merry and called it good. My friend Jeff then asked if we could drive further north to see the newly built temple in Rexburg. I accepted that the temple was sort of a big deal and agreed to take him up. So we bid farewell to my Nani and headed North where the white temple stood. We looked at it, said " yep... looks great," and headed back. Nothing too exciting happened on the way back but I do want to throw out that we listened to my favorite band Nickel Creek, who's style is a very chill bluegrass, and Jeff and I sang some sweet harmonies along with the tunes. It was cool.
Oh ... I almost forgot. We did get kind of bored and made a video on the way up. Here it is... enjoy.

Friday, February 8, 2008

The last time I remember being in a physical fight was in high school. I don't really know who won, but I remember both of us walking away with bruised ego's and bloody lips. I hate fighting. Whether it's with words or daggers or a simple argument. It just seems silly to me. Well I find that if I do start an argument or try to prove a point I simply just can't give up. I don't know why. Stubborn maybe? I just feel like I have something to prove. Rarely do I accept I'm wrong, but I need to understand that frankly... I'm not always right. Where is this going? I'll briefly tell you. The past while I've been fighting pretty hard to prove something. What that is is classified information, but I'm sure most of you already know. :) It's something I'd wake up to in the morning to think how was I going to tackle this great obstacle. Even when hope seemed lost there was still this voice in the back of my head saying, "Ryan James! Don't you give up." So I would hold on to whatever I could. I'd sit back and wait for the glory to come to me. Victory would be mine! I just knew this would happen because I have never wanted something so bad in my entire life. I have never put so much heart and soul into anything! And this people....was worth fighting for. I'd get encouragement from both sides of the lines, that would fill my hope bottle drop by drop. Sooner or later... all this was going to be worth it. All the sweat and tears and restless nights and prayers would soon manifest into this wonderful gift from God.

But not all stories have happy endings. I'm afraid mine isn't so lucky to be happy ever after just yet. I've come to realize that there is only so much one can do... and sometimes, that isn't enough. So...I'm throwing in the towel. Raising the white flag and walking away with my tail in between my legs. This fight was not meant for me to win. Which SUCKS! I'm pretty sure I've never taken anything like this so bad, but that's life sometimes. I know by doing this I'm giving up so much and it rips my heart into pieces I'm not sure can be fixed anytime soon. This isn't what I want at all... but It's what I have to do. I hope things can turn out in the end... but I feel like I'm losing one of the greatest things to have ever come into my life, and that... is the worse feeling in the world. I don't care who you are... it sucks. So I guess it's time to move on, but I sure will miss my cucumber...

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

It's true. After thinking long and hard about my current condition I have come to the conclusion that my mind is literally messed up! What am I talking about? Ha! Well... I have learned recently that my cerebellum and my mendulla oblongata frankly cannot co-exist. Here is why. During the day my mind works just fine. I have total control over what I think about and it's great! At night however... I find myself in a mixed up world of pure insanity. To put it simply...I dream . I dream a lot! Too much to be honest. It really does affect my life to the point where I spend most of my day thinking about what I dreamed the night before! Not only do I dream but I have ridiculous crazy dreams. Dreams that make me wake up and literally say, "seriously?!" That happened this morning. Get this... I dreamed that a guy I see at the gym every now and then, (who I don't like very much because he thinks he's Gods gift to Mens Health Magazine) was singing a musical song in my Family Finance class. During this time my roommate Kenny was throwing cards at him and playing sherades with class. To top it off, perfume in a bottle shaped like an apple was spraying the class. The end. So what does that mean?! I DON'T KNOW!!! But I want it to stop! So... I have decided to donate my body to science. Yes it is true. I am going to partake in REM (Rapid Eye Movement) studies up at the university. Does my university have such a study going on? Who knows. But I aim to get someone crazy enough to study my brain because I think it would help that scientist win the Nobel Prize in the Study of Crazy Dreams nomination. Maybe I'll even get paid for it... how's that for an honest living Nani?! Ha!

Here are some random bits of info that have happened recently.

  • I am currently a B student in all my classes, except in Career Analysis because we have yet to receive a homework assignment or test.
  • I learned pretty much everything there is to know about the females monthly cycle... I'm so thankful to know all that there is to know now. Yep.
  • I wrote a new song. Thats currently five originals by Ryan James.
  • I learned that potato soup makes me get severe cramps below the navel. I seriously thought an alien was going to pop out. I was going to name it Barack if it was a boy and Hillary if it was a girl.
  • I was walking down a hill the other night with my guitar and totally slipped on my butt. My guitar is fine but you should see the bruise on my tail bone. It's a doosey.
  • Giants won the Super Bowl. Haha! What now mom?!