Sunday, February 17, 2008

Since everyone who still reads my blogs must been somewhat interested in what I do with my spare time here is a short blog about my past week. Excited?! Good! Because I'm excited to share!!! Here we go. First off, I have resorted back to selling my body. Yes donating plasma. Yes I know family, you absolutely hate it when I donate but it's thirty bucks each time you go!!! C'mon! Thats a deal. I'm in college still, so I do what I can kapeesh?! Besides, I'm saving lives. That accounts for something right? That's what I thought.

Also, It fell like I had a surprise birthday party this week. But wait... my birthday isn't until April. I'll explain for those of you out of the loop. My friends were in on a little "secret" this week that was kept from me until Wednesday night and it totally blew me out of the water. I'm sure most of my friends and family know what the secret was by now and if you don't know... well you'll just have to call me or something because I'll get carpletunnel trying to explain it on here. The whole situation was pretty gosh darn funny to say the least.

I saw two movies this past weekend. First was Jumper. BORING!!! I wouldn't recommend this
movie to my worst enemy because It was absolutely ridiculous. Enough said. Second was Definitely, Maybe. This was a pretty good heart felt movie. Although not amazing, I thought it was good. Ryan Reynolds, who is one of my favorite actors, was in this movie so I probably would have thought the movie sucked if he wasn't in it.

Do you think I'm weird? This is a question for everyone. I mean, I know I have my moments and I can be a little crazy at times, but I think I can be serious we I need to be. I wont care at all if everyone thinks I AM weird, because I am pretty content with who I am as a person. I just wanted to know if everyone has put me in the weird people category. Apparently people who I think is weird ( in a good way... cough) isn't as weird as me. I don't understand this... but oh well.

Well... It's Sunday and I'm bored and I just realized I don't have a lot to talk about but there ya go. Hopefully everyone else has had a good weekend. Also, I found out that certain members of my family have let other members of our clan know about my blog. For this I am sorry. You may say you love to read them, but just because your family don't feel obligated to read these. I don't want to put that pressure on your poor hearts. I will however say to my auntie Laurel who lives in Maui, if you need a house sitter, please think of your favorite nephew. That is all.

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    you are weirder than I am. Bite the bullet and just accept this fact and move on.

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