Tuesday, December 9, 2008
so the two don't really go hand in hand but this is to update everyone on two things... Okay... Go!
So Mom is ALIVE! Yeah! good news right? The good Lord didn't want her just yet so she's stuck with us. She had a rough three weeks in the hospital though and she is safe and sound in her home. She has a long, tough recovery ahead though. She has nurses come out twice a day and she is still hooked up to a few gadgets and gizmos so she's not out of the Matrix yet. Her second surgery is in a few weeks so keep praying for her. Thank you to all those who reached out to our family in our time of need. Words cant express how thankful we are for all of you.
Christmas Party!!! This year we hosted our second annual Christmas sweater party and it was a huge hit. Word got around about last years party and everyone and their dog showed up. We tuned into our inner Martha Stewarts and decorated the place up and we were able to hand out over $140 in gift cards as prizes to the best sweaters! (Thanks to Marty) Around midnight we got busted by the cops and being the responsible one that I am I talked to them and convinced them not to ticket us... or throw anyone in the house in jail... because that would just be awful to experience that ... again. It's not a party unless you get busted right?! Here are some pics.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
So I had the hardest time deciding if I wanted to do this or not but it just doesn't feel right not to. I know anyone who reads this is family and friends and I thought I would use this as a way to reach out to all of you. Some of you may know, my mother was hospitalized last week on Thursday, Nov 6th. Long story short, she had stomach problems that led her to the hospital that evening. After doctors took a Cat Scan they found that gas had built up and blew a hole in her stomach. The procedure was to go in with a scope and a stapler that would require an hour and half long surgery. After doctors went in they found that the upper part of her stomach and lower part of her esophagus was completely eroded and dead. They then had to open her up to see the extent of the damage. Due to complications during the surgery and the complexity of her condition she became very unstable and lost a lot of blood. After the doctors were through seven hours later they were honest to my family and told us she was a "disaster" and would need to be in ICU for many days and hospitalized for at least three weeks. The doctors then told us the worst news and said she could pass at any time and her chances for survival are 50/50. As of now, three days later, things are still the same but with a few signs of improvement. She has been sedated since her surgery and none of us have talked to her yet but hope to do so soon. I would just like to ask those who stumble upon this blog to please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. My family and I would greatly appreciate it. My mother is and always be the most amazing girl in my life and she is too young to leave me and the rest of my family behind. It's very hard for me to write this but every prayer counts right now. Thank you to those who have reached out to us already and keep spreading the word so we can get her better. She is in the Lord's hands now and it would mean so much to us if he could hear your support. :)
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Happy Halloween! Oh how I love this wonderful fall festivity where I can really show my true colors. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, right next to Christmas of course, and I love to put on a good costume and be someone/ something else for the night. Every year at Utah State we have The Howl. Its a huge event that brings young drunk people from all around to good ol' Logan. The event usually has bands, dancing, movies, hypnotists and about 10,000 half naked people lookin to get lucky. Well I have been to The Howl twice and me and my friends decided we were going to pass on it this year. Soon people started asking me if our house ( The Cube ) would be hosting any Halloween extravaganzas this year. Well we hadn't really planned on one so I told people no. Earlier this week I got asked that question several times a day and it made me think if we should really throw a last minute party for people who aren't going to The Howl. From what I understood, no one else was holding any parties so... maybe it was time for me to step up to the plate. So I did. Wednesday night I sent out invites via Facebook and sent a few text messages here and there. We had a USU basketball game last night, so the party was planned shortly after that. I thought we'd get a few of our good friends over and just have some good ol' dancing and fun. I forgot how popular I am at school I guess, because that was not the case. My house was packed. People came dressed up and those who weren't had their fun pants on. It turned out to be pretty huge, and I couldn't have been happier. By the way, I was merely joking about the popular thing. ;) So another successful shin dig at The Cube. Hopefully us boys gave everyone a good Hallows Eve.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Yeah... its true. So here's the scoop. Last night I went to open the balcony window in my room to get a nice breeze in. Well ever since we hosted our foam party and used my window to transport foam, it has not been able to stay up. The springs either won't stay in place or I'm not Mr. Handy man like I'd like to believe. So as I'm fiddling with the window last night it slips out of my left hand and crashed down on my right hands index finger. I didn't swear! Can you believe that?! I just let out a very long grunt and bit my lip. When I looked at my finger the only thing I noticed was the skin pulled back a little off my finger....no biggie. The pain started to make it's way into my finger but it was nothing traumatic. I ended up playing games with my roommate Kenny for a few hours after that and thought nothing of it. Well Come 4 oclock this morning I was in pain. I was awoken to the feeling that my heart had somehow made its way down to the end of my finger and was pulsating like a raged chihuahua. So I took some ibuprofen and went back to sleep. Well at 7 oclock this morning, the same problem woke me up. So I made my way to the student wellness center, and was escorted by a rather attractive looking assistant. I Told a CNA my story. Had an x-ray and was read my final results. Broken. Hairline. In the tip. Or in proper terms, in my Distal Phalange. Good news though. No cast or wrap can cure this monstrosity. I just have to take pills that take away the pain and make my face numb and wait about 6 weeks for it to be fully healed. So really its not that big of a deal. I just thought it was blog worthy.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Well after a seriously long drought, my family decided it would be nice to visit their ONLY son at school! My dearest mother and grandmother came down from Idaho this week and we spent some real quality time together! This was my mothers FIRST, again I say FIRST time to Logan (welcome momma) so I had to give her the grand tour. The first day we went out to eat and I was their wildlife guide through the wild and dangerous Logan canyon. We faced many a danger as we came across testosterone-filled cattle drivers and the looming fear that a deer could pop out at any moment had our adrenaline running!!! Heart pumping, let me tell you. Of course I filled their noggins with the city of Logans history and gave them a pop quiz at the end. The next day we headed down to Salt lake and ate at the Cheesecake Factory... Mmmm... and then shot our way to Park City. I had the pleasure of seeing the look on my moms face as I dragged her up and down main street. She was reminded of a three year old version of me pulling her along at the toy store during Christmas. All in all, it was great to see them and I was so glad they came down so I could show them the fruits of Utah. Maybe we could do it again before I go off on that Spiritual Journey or something? Have your people call my people and we'll work it out.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
So I just realized that my last two posts were about my friends getting married. If my FRIENDS lives are blog worthy, but I cant post anything about mine... then thats just pathetic! Have no fear! Something has come my way!!! What? you Ask?!?! Drum roll please... a SCOOTER!!! Yay for two wheeled transportation! Yay for my family freaking out right about now! YAY!!! Yep it's true. I got a scooter... kind of. So my roomie Jordan decided we should go in on a scooter together because A: It's gas efficient. B: The ladies like it. C: They're fun! So we did. We bought a brand new 150 cc scooter for a whopping good price. Jordan forked out the money because... well... he's rich and I just paid him my half. We both got motorcycle endorsements so we're pretty much awesome now. In the past week I've had it I've driven my car... once! Saving gas while saving the environment! And yeah...some ladies have ridden on the back. Family Listen now! I bought a helmet... okay? I am SAFE! I follow the rules of the road. The scooter only goes 150 mph... kidding. 65 really. I dont plan on taking it off road and I'm too chicken to go super fast...yet. :) I love you all...but I'm sticking with the scooter until it gets cold. Which is in about two months... maybe less. Oh and the scooter's name is Jimminy. It sounded like a cricket was inside of it at first so we named it after Jimminy Cricket. There ya have it!
PS. Those of you who are wondering what the "whopping good price" is. Under $1000... that's all I'll say.
Here's a pic... only it doesn't have the trunk thing anymore. Ain't he cute!
So. There comes a time in every mans life, where his best friend goes and gets himself married and leaves his buddy with nothing to do. Well my best friend Matt ended up doing just that. He always thought I would be the first to go, but alas...fate decided other wise! Which is fine by me, because I got to party it up at all his fun filled events! Long story short... Matt and Caitlyn met two years ago and its been a roller coaster ride of events. Matt was twitterpated from the beginning, it just took Cait a few tries to feel the same way. Eventually she grew a pair and she fell mad for the kid. Now they look great together as a married couple and I'm so happy for them! Congrats Matty boy, I love you!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
So a few weekends ago one of my best friends FINALLY got married! Congrats Jared! I haven't seen him that happy since our days working at camp. It was hard to let him go... but his lovely wife Shannon is much prettier than I am, so I understand. The reception was at The Cellar in Idaho Falls and it was nothing short of a party. I was probably the only one not drinking but I was able to enjoy a nice bottle of San Palengrino sparkling water. Yum! At the reception I was able to visit with some old friends and reminisce about the good ol days. One of the highlights was when a few of us guys sang a ballad for Jared and Shannon. We did a guitar version of Outkasts Hey Ya, and it turned out so cool! It was fun singing it for him and luckily Casper took video of it. I'll post the link at the bottom, so be sure to click on it. Jared is just the first of many close friends who are getting married soon and I feel like I'm becoming that girl from 27 Dresses who ends up being a bridesmaid for all her friends. Only I'm a groomsman... not a bridesmaid. That would be just silly.
Jared, Lisa and I at camp over 5 YEARS ago!!!
Jared and the "Crew." Jared is bottom right.
Here is the youtube link for the video of us singing to Jared and Shannon. I think we could be BIG!!!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Hello! Hello! Hello to you all! So again... it's been a while since I have given you all the "update" in the Life of Ryan. To be honest ya'll... not much has happened. Yep. Or... nope. Either or. I have been working A LOT and hanging out at the pool with my homies here in Logan. I've been making some pretty good money though... so if anyone needs a loan, or wants to me to be there sugar daddy, let me know. The APR is only 129%, so your good. A few highlights have been my two trips to my homeland of Idaho Falls. A few weeks ago I came up for the 4th of July. It was neat. Granted I could only come up for about 20 hours before I had to be back the next day for work, but I got to go to a baseball game with the family and enjoyed the fireworks with Matt, Caitlyn and his family. The fireworks never disappoint. So I came back to Logan for a few more days and let me tell you what happened then. Remember a few months back when Ryan James got... um... arrested? Yeah... so I got pulled over because my brake light was broken and the kind ol' officer gave me a nice little reminder to get it fixed. Which I have gotten fixed about three times, I think there is a fuse problem or grounded out wire. ANYWAY! He just wanted to check out everything and asked to see my license, and I gladly gave it to him because I KNEW my record was clear... right? WRONG!!! He comes back and says" Hey Ryan... looks like you were arrested on a warrant back in February, and that warrant is still active." My face went pale white, and my jaw dropped to the ground. Here is how I retaliated, "Um first off... no, no, no, no.... no." I explained I went through the whole court thing and had EVERYTHING taken care of. Long story short, he said because I was already arrested there would be no arresting me that night. Which I was kind of excited to go back to jail, because I knew I could get the awesome bail bonds T-shirt. Sorry Erin... I know how much you wanted me to get that. :) So I called the city office the next day, and cleared it all up. I guess someone forgot to hit the delete button on that little situation.So a few days later I went back to the homeland and saw my good friend sing at a local concert. Then the next day I went to the YMCA camp I use to work at with my friends Paul and Samantha. It was so great to see those kids, and my how they grow up. I feel so bad though because they remember me and I "recognize" them. I remember a few of their names but for the most part... I'm completely lost. That day we played mud-volleyball, went swimming at the lake, ate spaghetti off the tables, had the Friday night dance ( my costume was a mixture of jack sparrow and peter pan... it was scary), and we finished with skits and songs. The kids demanded I do my famous Tarzan song and I was more than happy to do so. It became the best Tarzan ever and lucky for you I have footage. Mind you its a little dark but still cool.
The day after that I attended one of my best friends wedding which I will talk about in my next blog. Also look forward to a few more blogs after that because I feel I have a lot to write about... Yay for you all! Some excitement in your lives!
PS. Thank you Nani and Mom for your kind words in my last post. I love you both. :)
Here is the famous TARZAN!!! ( click on the highlighted link below )
Friday, June 13, 2008
Back in 2007, I made some mistakes in my life. Some minor and some big enough for me to want to make a change in my life. So, not really being a new years resolution guy, I decided to make a few. Now that it is June, I have thought about how far I've come in the past six months and wanted to give myself a little evaluation. I had three major goals to conquer and then some little ones that followed. The first of the three, and the most important was being HONEST to myself and others. For a while there it seemed like I was trying to be someone I'm not, and that guy was no fun anyway. The RJ that would say or do anything just so he could "fit in" never actually did, and therefore only pushed people away. It was a lie to myself, and it was a lie to others. People called me on it and it was a huge wakeup call. Looking back, if I had the chance I would have slapped myself in the face with a silly stick. Why in the world would someone want to fit in by being someone their not? Deep down I always wanted to be liked for who I REALLY am, but thought no one would see me for me. Boy was I wrong. This year has shown me that by being myself, I'm being someone that is unique and different. Someone not afraid to just be themselves and not worry about what others think. I'm not in high school anymore so it was time to stop acting like I was. Now I'm just me. Me in my own skin, in my own life and not trying to live vicariously through others. I still have my moments where I think I'm being an idiot or wish I would have done something better, but then I realize I'm forever changing and who I am a year from now, will be different in some way, to who I am today. As long as I'm happy with who I am and where I'm going, I really don't think I'll have room to complain. So I give myself an A minus as far as all thats concerned.
The second was to be more SPIRITUAL. Not only with God but within myself. I'm not talking about going to church or reading up on the scriptures to gain knowledge, but finding my own personal relationship with God. This one is hard to explain, but going along with finding out who I am, I see little hints of God's plan for me. Opening myself up to the spirit and be in tune with his promptings I can better hear the whispers in my ear that I need to hear. It has helped me so much to understand what I have to do. Does he tell me which way to go? No. Does he give me the option to choose? Yes. The best way to describe it, is like having my own life tutor not tell me the answer but letting me find the answer on my own. And when I find something, I go for it. I feel like I was just filled up with the highest grade of heavenly diesel, and I go full steam ahead! I'm still learning so many things. Within the church and within myself, but it feels great to know what I have come to find out over the past few years and especially the past six months. I give myself a B plus on my spiritual quest.
The last mojor goal was to just LOVE LIFE, no matter what happens. For this one I gave myself an A minus. Here is why. Holy cow have I had some of the happiest and saddest times these past few months. I have come to find out new levels of love and to experience great loss. I have come closer to my friends and family and closer to myself. I have found that happiness is not in any materialistic item but being close to a certain someone or best friend or family member. I've also learned you can't always get what you want... but if you wait long enough, patience will open your eyes to something better. I've learned I can't sit around and wait for things to come, but to go and get those things the best way I know how. And if things don't work out the way I plan, or want, I pick myself up off the ground and do it again. I can't give up on life, or on God, because God won't give up on me ( thanks cucumber for that quote) :). Life is too good to worry about the small stuff, and no matter how hard things may seem, if you want it bad enough, great things will come your way. You just have to know where to find them.
PS. Not to worry, the hilarious Ryan James will be back on tour shortly. :)
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Okay. Well I guess since Hayl's tagged me and I have nothing else to do, I will complete this little fun loving survey. Here are the rules...
List 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random surprising facts about yourself. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
3 Joys!
1. I know it's so unoriginal but of course my family. Mom always laughs at my jokes, even when they aren't funny so that makes me feel cool. Nani tries to act like my jokes aren't funny when deep down she is laughing. It's okay to laugh Nani, really. It lets people know your human. My family in Kentucky has been great too. I just have family all over!!! They have been so welcoming and caring since Oprah got us back together. Okay... Oprah didn't really get us back together ( mom is laughing right now, Nani... not so much). My dad has been cool and my step-mom just wants to make sure I'm happy. Im happy! I miss my little bro, so I guess that means I like him. So all in all, my family.
2. Traveling. What can I say? I like to go places. New places, old places all kinds of places. I feel like I've been to every state and seen all there is to see in the home of the brave. Now I just want to get the fetch out! Go somewhere where nobody understands a single word I'm saying! I decided that with my savings from work, I'm putting it towards a trip. Where? I don't know. Anyone is invited though!
3. Art/ Singing. Both take me away from the "real world" for a while. I haven't done much Art lately but I plan on doing some this summer. Like the other day I did this little project, and made this AWESOME card-stock thingy magigger, and I was so happy with the final outcome. I couldn't stop staring at it! When it comes to my singing/ music writing, I like to see what others think. I take the good with the bad and try to make my next masterpiece a... masterpiece? Anyway, If people like my music, I like them. No, but it makes me happy with what I'm doing.
3 FeArS!... dun dun duuuuuuun.
1. Divorce. I'm not even married but divorce haunts me. Granted, I know I'm a picky person so I'll feel as though my wife was the best choice for me, but with todays high divorce rates, it scurres me. I know I will be confident in my marriage though so maybe I shouldn't worry too much about it.
2. Cliffs. No not heights, but cliffs. I love flying, I love bungie junping (did it once), I want to skydive sooooo bad and I want to be like superman so I can just fly around all day and night. BUT!!! Cliffs and the fear of falling off of them scares the living crap out of me. I know this is a common fear but when I hike or drive on the side of a cliff, I get so nervous. Maybe its just the thought of death being inches away from me? I don't know.
3. The ocean. Not shallow water ocean but the deep ocean. I've always thought that if I was swimming out in the middle of the ocean for some unknown reason, I would flip out. This turned out to be true when I went to the Bahamas. We went only a few miles out to do some snorkeling and the water was so deep. When I got in the water, anxiety and panic immediately over came me. Plus there were Caribbean reef sharks which made things easier. I guess its the fear of not being able to see what could be stalking you in the water. Scary stuff, I'm telling you!
3 Goals!
1. To finally stick with my current major. I'm so tired of being indecisive with what I want to do with my life. I've finally decided to listen to my advisor's "advise" and go into communications. Utah State has a few different branches. PR, Broadcast Journalism, and speech communications. Right now it's between PR and Broadcast. I'll decide which road to take this summer... because it's crunch time!
2. Pay off Credit Cards! Nuff said.
3. Strive to be more and more Spiritual.
3 Obsessions/ Collections.
1. Feet is definitely an obsession. I don't know why, I just like feet. Not everyones feet only a select few. If I like your feet, I'll want to massage them, and I've only massaged a select few. You know who you are... ;)
2. Superman. All my friends know I'd go gay for him. (only because he is fictional of course). I have his comics, his movies, his lunch box, his toys, his blanket and every season of Smallville. I love him.
3. Lately I've been obsessed with budgeting my money. I cant help but think of what to do with my daily tips. I kind of like this though because it's about darn time I started doing this!
3 Random Surprising Facts about Me
1. I ponder life like crazy. I always seem to pause here or there just to think deeply about the mysteries of the universe. I think that people get caught up in their jobs, bills and stressful lives that they forget to look up and look at the bigger picture. That being that we are so small in our little corner of the universe and we don't think about the miracles that are out there!
2. I'm psychic. Yep, no lie. I can seriously think of something in my mind and soon after it just happens! But I cant really talk about it, or else I will lose my power... :)
3. Only my family and close friends know. I love Food Network and love to gourmet cook. I will only cook for you though if I really like you. It's like the feet deal. So everyone better not expect Ryans House of Pancakes opening anytime soon.
5 People
Marty, Aubrey, Kelda, Heather Inns, Lindsay
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Hello Fans! Sorry for my lack of post's over the past month. I've been, for a lack of better words, lazy. So now that today was my last day of school for the semester I thought I'd do the world a favor and update everyone on the crazy life of Ryan James!!! Well first off... I GOT A JOB!!! Sound the Alarm! An honest one too! I'll have everyone know that I am a proud employee at the Olive Garden. Yes, yes it is true. For those of you who read who aren't part of my close family, the Olive Garden used to be my favorite restaurant. So it's only ironic to my family members who remember the little Ryan James freaking out about going to Olive Garden when we got the chance. Now that I'm older and I have had time to mature my pallet, the Olive Garden has been bumped from the number one position and is replaced by none other than Beto's Mexican Restaurant. HA! Just kidding! That place is gross. I'd rather lick an STD infested toilet seat. I think my favorite is probably Johnny Carinos, but there are so many places I love it's hard to say. I just heart food. So I got done with my week and a half training at Olive Garden and just barely started serving. It's been really fun so far and I think I am going to enjoy it.
Last week we held another party at our humble abode, and the turn out was a success! The theme was a celebrity party and we had red carpet, paparazzi and loud music outside. Almost everyone who came was dressed in Hollywood fashion and it turned out to be really fun. We had people dress up as famous characters such as Indiana Jones to a bald Brittney Spears. Very creative I must say. I dressed up as Zach from Saved by the Bell , while Erin was of course Kelly. We looked ravishing to say the least. The party was such a hit we had the blue and white show up to crash the celebration. I knew this would probably happen and kind of wanted it to as well. You know a party is cool when it gets broken up by the cops!!! It even took five or six police cars to tell us to be quite. Since when does it take that much law enforcement to tell a college party in Logan to be quite?! Oh yes...it's Logan. Now I know why it's the safest city in the U.S.
Lastly, it is the end of another school year. I will be spending this summer here in good ol' Logan working and going to school. The year went by so fast and It was truly one to remember. I learned a thing or two outside of the classroom and also have been credited some life lessons. I can't wait to use the summer to figure out some more of life's mysteries and tackle on another year at USU. Some of my friends are moving on and getting married while others will be doing their own thing for the summer. I will miss some of my peeps, especially those who head down south for a fun filled adventure in babysitting. :) My family will miss me I'm sure, but I will be up there a lot, so no worries fam, I still love thee. Until next time... Chao!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
It's true everyone... I'm 23!!! Crazy huh?! April 1st was the day I celebrated my coming into the world, and it was truly magical! My friends threw me a wonderful midnight party the morning of and I got to beat the tar out of a pinata (how do you spell that?). We had cake and played with some squirt guns for a while and it was neat. The next day I didn't have school, which was so convenient!!! Erin then took me to the best place in the world... FUN PARK!!! They have this game/arcade of Deal or No Deal and I am so addicted. Long story short, I dumped a few dollars in it and won the maximum amount of tickets you could win which was a whopping 400!!! Victory!!! So we bought a bunch of random stuff and went on our way. Right after, I went to help my buddy Nate at a talent show held up on campus. I just backed him up on guitar and vocals but it was pretty fun.
After that all the gang got together and went to Chili's for dinner. I really enjoyed being with everyone and laughing our heads off about random things. Good times... gooood times. The finale was brought by an Oreo cake (my favorite) and a dream deciphering book given to me by the lovely Erin. She is just great. :) So a pretty swell day I would say. I was sung to far too many times but I guess I can handle a little attention if I have to... :) We all know I hate it.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Hello all!!! It has been a while! My how the time flies by. I hope I haven't left many of you lucky readers dying for a new blog. No worries though because here I am!!! So... I just got back from spring break and boy was it a hoot. I'm talking about sunny weather, good tans, good friends and all the junk food you can eat! Whoo Baby! So I will start from the beginning and work my way to the end since that is usually how they do it these days. So on Friday March 7th, me and thirteen of my awesome friends drove down to St. George, Utah, for the weekend. There the weather was already thirty degrees warmer than Logan. During the duration of the weekend we mainly just hung out, checked out a few little hot spots and were merry. Sunday arrives and we pack up the three cars for California. The drive was pretty fun and I got to see a girl on the side of the road throwing up everything she had ever eaten in her life. It was cool. By the way, I took down my car so I did most of the driving. I'm not complaining however for Ryan James likes to drive and talk in the third person.
So Sunday evening we arrive in La Mirada, California and check into our hotel. There we have three rooms split between fourteen people, so everyone pretty much had a good place to sleep. We settled in and got our spirits up for Disneyland the next day. So Monday we wake up bright and early and take a shuttle bus from our hotel to Disneyland. Now we tried something new this year and bought our tickets off Ebay. The sellers basically buy a week long pass and rent them out for half the price of general admission. All of us thought this was a little sketchy but it turned out all right. The coolest part about it though was we had to meet our person in the Mcdonalds parking lot across the street from Disneyland. That was probably the closest feeling of buying illegal drugs I'll ever get. But like I said the tickets worked just fine!!! So There we spent a good thirteen hours in California Adventure and Disneyland!!! Whoo! I love Disneyland!!! Sorry mom, no souvenirs this year... I'm cheap.So Tuesday arrives and we are all pretty exhausted from our magical adventure the day before. We planned on sleeping in a little and heading to Huntington Beach for some relaxation. There we played sand volleyball and jumped into a not so warm ocean. Still it was pretty fun. We spent the majority of the day there and walked around the shops at night. Just a typical California day.
Wednesday we traveled up a few miles north to the city of angels, where we stopped at a neat little outside mall called "The Grove." It's got a nice little feel to it and it wasn't crowded with people. There we ate at a Cheesecake Factory... Delicious! I'm telling you that they have the best strawberry lemonade in the world. After we stuffed ourselves we headed to Hollywood Boulevard to check out the Chinese theater and sidewalk of stars. After a while looking around we went across the street to wait in line for the Jimmy Kimmel show. For those of you who are out of the loop, Jimmy Kimmel is a late night talk show host. He's pretty funny and is growing increasingly popular. It was really cool to be an audience member and to see how a show like that is run. His guests were Adam Carolla and Sheryl Crow. Adam Carolla is going to be on this seasons Dancing With the Stars and everyone else should know who Sheryl Crow is. If not... she is a singer. Nough Said. Sheryl then had an outside mini concert after the show which was pretty cool to see. After Jimmy Kimmel we headed two hours south to San Diego and checked into a retro looking hotel. Everyone was pretty tired so we weren't up too late before it was lights out.
Thursday morning we checked out and headed to the San Diego temple. It was truly awesome and had an amazingly peaceful atmosphere. I felt really relaxed and really wanted to just take a nap on the grounds but I don't think they would have liked that. After we left everyone kind of did their own thing. A group of us went to old town San Diego and ate lunch at a cool little outside taco place. It was delish! Then we just walked around and checked out the town.
We met up with everybody that evening at mission beach. There we rode a roller coaster, played a few carnival games and hung out on the beach. We stayed and watched the sun set which was beautiful and most of us hung around to eat and tell funny stories. It was a good way to spend our last night in California.Thursday night we drove back up to our hotel in La Mirada and crashed. Friday we left California and headed to Las Vegas to put our money down. In Vegas we met up with a few members of our group and just walked around and checked out some of the sites. Everyone decided to head back to St. George to call it a night but a few of us had other things in mind. After we ate, me and my friend Matt and his girlfriend went to a bodies exhibit. Basically they have preserved bodies dissected in different ways on display. It wasn't gross at all and was really cool to see. I would recommend anyone to see this. Meanwhile... while we are being educated, Erin and Jessica decide to take a walk on the wild side and go see a little attraction called Thunder from Down Under. Now this is pretty much a male strip show. They don't get naked but they show off their juiced up bodies for female entertainment. Now even though Erin and Jess went just because they thought it would be funny... I however found myself getting a little perturbed at the idea of Aussie men shaking what their momma's gave em in front of their innocent eyes. However... I bit my lip and dealt with it, but I keep hearing stories of what happened that I'd rather not hear.
The trip was really fun and everyone had a blast. Luckily there were no problems and for a group of fourteen people everything went smoothly. I got to see some exciting stuff and was able to grow closer to some of my amazing friends. I also learned something I wish I hadn't... girls fart. This is news to me. I thought this whole time girls didn't poop or fart, it just dissolved and was turned into fairy dust. However... at least three girls passed gas on this trip and my universe as we know it is crashing down. I feel I'm in for a rude awakening...
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Since everyone who still reads my blogs must been somewhat interested in what I do with my spare time here is a short blog about my past week. Excited?! Good! Because I'm excited to share!!! Here we go. First off, I have resorted back to selling my body. Yes donating plasma. Yes I know family, you absolutely hate it when I donate but it's thirty bucks each time you go!!! C'mon! Thats a deal. I'm in college still, so I do what I can kapeesh?! Besides, I'm saving lives. That accounts for something right? That's what I thought.
Also, It fell like I had a surprise birthday party this week. But wait... my birthday isn't until April. I'll explain for those of you out of the loop. My friends were in on a little "secret" this week that was kept from me until Wednesday night and it totally blew me out of the water. I'm sure most of my friends and family know what the secret was by now and if you don't know... well you'll just have to call me or something because I'll get carpletunnel trying to explain it on here. The whole situation was pretty gosh darn funny to say the least.
I saw two movies this past weekend. First was Jumper. BORING!!! I wouldn't recommend this
movie to my worst enemy because It was absolutely ridiculous. Enough said. Second was Definitely, Maybe. This was a pretty good heart felt movie. Although not amazing, I thought it was good. Ryan Reynolds, who is one of my favorite actors, was in this movie so I probably would have thought the movie sucked if he wasn't in it.
Do you think I'm weird? This is a question for everyone. I mean, I know I have my moments and I can be a little crazy at times, but I think I can be serious we I need to be. I wont care at all if everyone thinks I AM weird, because I am pretty content with who I am as a person. I just wanted to know if everyone has put me in the weird people category. Apparently people who I think is weird ( in a good way... cough) isn't as weird as me. I don't understand this... but oh well.
Well... It's Sunday and I'm bored and I just realized I don't have a lot to talk about but there ya go. Hopefully everyone else has had a good weekend. Also, I found out that certain members of my family have let other members of our clan know about my blog. For this I am sorry. You may say you love to read them, but just because your family don't feel obligated to read these. I don't want to put that pressure on your poor hearts. I will however say to my auntie Laurel who lives in Maui, if you need a house sitter, please think of your favorite nephew. That is all.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
It has come to my attention that Idaho falls no longer feels like my "home" anymore. I guess that's okay since Logan has been my place of residence for two years now. So now when I make a trip up to Idaho Falls, it's like I'm going on the coolest vacation/road trip EVER!!! My most recent trip to the great gem state was nothing short of awesome! First I wake up early Tuesday morning and grab my friend Jeff ( hey Jeff) to bring him along to keep me company. On the way out of town, I notice that I have stopped at at least four different places and have waisted over an hour doing so. So far so good. Finally we hit the road and make our way to Preston, ID (only about twenty five miles out) when we realize we need to stop once more at a gas station before our trip can fully begin. I guess we needed an odd number of places to stop at before the gods would allow us safe passage. So the sky was clear, the roads were good and we were off!!! About an hour into the trip I hit I-15 northbound and look to the side of the road. What do my eyes catch but a cow squatting herself silly pushing out a newborn calf!!! This is huge people!!! You only see stuff this good on Animal Planet. So I flipped a U-ey and broke many traffic laws to catch a glimpse of this amazing miracle. By the time we got back to the scene, the cow had just plopped the thing out and was licking the goo and yummy delicious placenta off. It was still the coolest thing I had seen. I almost cried and felt strangely like I had just become a daddy. But that would just be weird right?!
So we got into Idaho Falls and I grabbed some things from my room to take back to Logan. Mainly my snowboard and snow gear. Then my dearest grandmother Nani, or "Delyla" as the normal world would call her, came in to greet me with warm hugs and kisses. She is great. She then showed off her furniture and nit picked the extremely minor flaws in the sectional couch. I didn't notice anything but whatever. It looked good and was comfortable so thats all that matters to me. We decided to treat ourselves to Applebees where we ate and were merry and called it good. My friend Jeff then asked if we could drive further north to see the newly built temple in Rexburg. I accepted that the temple was sort of a big deal and agreed to take him up. So we bid farewell to my Nani and headed North where the white temple stood. We looked at it, said " yep... looks great," and headed back. Nothing too exciting happened on the way back but I do want to throw out that we listened to my favorite band Nickel Creek, who's style is a very chill bluegrass, and Jeff and I sang some sweet harmonies along with the tunes. It was cool.
Oh ... I almost forgot. We did get kind of bored and made a video on the way up. Here it is... enjoy.